
目前显示的是 三月, 2024的博文

Where to Put Ceiling Lights - Sunwinhotellighting.com

  Ceiling lighting fixtures   can be used in a wide of places in a home or commercial space, here are some common areas where they are typically installed. ​ 1. CEILING LAMPS FOR  LIVING ROOM Ceiling flush lights  are often placed in the center of the living room to provide overall illumination, they distribute lighting evenly across the room, ensuring that the entire area is well-lit. When they pair with floor lamps, it ensures you create a base layer of light that achieves the perfect atmosphere and mood lighting in your space. 2. BEDROOM CEILING FIXTURES In the bedroom, ceiling lights can provide general lighting for the entire room, can contribute to the overall design and style of the room to create a cohesive look with the rest of your décor, and can help you perform daily activities.  Bedroom flush lights  include flush mount fixtures, semi-flush mount lights, or even ceiling fans with built-in lighting. 3. DINING CEILING LIGHTS Ceiling lamps are usually installed over the dinin